

The Seti are a tribal plains horse culture from the Northwestern section of Quon Tali, at the time of the campaign the Seti have only recently been integrated into the burgeoning Malazan Empire. They are typically divided up into warrior societies named for local animals (jackal, ferret, plains lion). The Seti place great value upon their horses, and comprise the vast majority of Malazan cavalry. Malazan cavalry prior to the integration of the Seti into the empire came primarily from those cavalry press into military service and confiscated from the Untan noble families upon Kellanved's conquest of the city.

Skill notes, nothing final at this time:
  • Bonuses
    • Riding (Horse)
    • Survival
    • Athletics
    • Tracking
    • Navigation (Land)
  • Fighting Style
    • Light Blades
    • Spears
    • Horsebow
  • Mages (Warrens typically focused on by Falari mages)
    • Serc
    • Serc
  • Gods (those typically favored by the Falari)
    • Ryllandaras - the White Jackal, eater of men, typically venerated in the hopes of appeasement.
    • Treach - the tiger of summer, one of the first heroes.
    • Fener - the Boar of War. Also known as Tennerock, The Boar of Five Tusks
  • Idiosyncrasies
    • Seafaring - drowning is one of the most ignoble deaths imaginable to the Seti, as such, they are not fond of sea travel.
    • Cities - the Seti are a migratory plains culture, as such, they are not fond of cities and typically suffer penalties when dealing with the cultural vicissitudes endemic to such environs.

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