Meanas (Path of Shadow and Illusion)

Meanas is the warren of shadow and illusion. It is a broken realm, shattered by an ancient war between Light and Darkness, as such, travel in the realm of shadow is very inconsistent. Entering the realm may only allow the user to travel a short distance before being forced out of the realm. Furthermore, the realm has no ruler, its throne lost to the ages, this does not mean the realm is without its own denizens. Specifically the Hounds of Shadow prowl the realm constantly, these guardians of the realm suffer no trespassers and know no master. Rumors persist of other entities within High House Shadow who also make the realm their home.

Syntactic Nouns/Verbs per level (verbs in italics):
  1. Image/Sense
  2. Communicate
  3. Sound
  4. Control, Move
  5. Protect
  6. Body, Mind
  7. Transform
  8. Light, Dark
  9. Travel
  10. Create

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