
The Napan come from a small island just off the southwest coast of Quon Tali known as Nap. Often conquered and subjugated the Napan have grown accustomed to changing loyalties as necessary over the course of their history. Due to its proximity to the mainland and central location with regards to many of the major port cities on Quon Tali, Nap is often a place through which passes significant information from various sources. As such, the Napan have become skilled information brokers and spies, and in some darker corners, assassins.

Skill notes, nothing final at this time:

  • Bonuses
    • Seafaring
    • Thievery
    • Swimming
    • Espionage
    • Naval Tactics
    • Guile
    • Alchemy
  • Fighting Style
    • Light Blades
    • Crossbows
  • Mages (Warrens typically focused on by Falari mages)
    • Ruse
    • Meannas
    • Rashan
    • Mockra
  • Gods (those typically favored by the Falari)
    • Oponn - the twin deities of luck, brother's pull (bad luck), lady's push (good luck).
    • Mael
    • D'rek
  • Idiosyncrasies
    • Curiosity - the Napan love a good secret, more than anything else they like knowing more than you, as such they have a tendency to stick their nose into things that aren't necessarily their business.

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